Mitri Shatara

6 of the Worst Things You Can Do After An Accident

Millions of car crashes happen every year, so the odds are you may be involved in an accident at some point. You need to know how to handle the situation accordingly. If you are in a car accident, here’s exactly what NOT to do!

  1. Act frantically, take quick breaths or act hysterically. The closer you are to having a full-on panic attack the better.

“OMG! Here come the police to take our versions of the story! I know how much they love panicky screaming and limbs flailing wildly! I’ll do a lot of that! THEN they’ll know whose fault this was!”

  1. Did someone hit your car? Say the accident is your fault. This will make things easier in the long run for sure.

“My bad! I should have noticed that you are a busy multi-tasker the way you were in the middle of an important text, adjusting the volume on the radio AND turning on your defroster while speeding! I should really be cautious of YOUR needs!”

  1. Don’t call the police, they won’t know what to do. Call your grandmother. She will know exactly what to do.

  “Grammy? Hi… It’s me… Listen… Does your bridge partner still practice law part time?”

  1. Exchange Twitter handles, Instagram usernames, etc. with all of the parties involved. Anything to help your follower numbers go up.

“Hey! You rear-ended me and totaled my car! I should TOTALLY get this neck pain checked out too… but you seem cool. We have, like, 12 mutual friends.”

  1. Take multiple selfies at the scene for Snapchat. Add it to your story.

“My car is trashed because of your reckless driving, but LAWD we look good in this photo!”

  1. Don’t worry about your insurance coverage. Who needs that? Contribute to your shopping fund instead.

“No, no… You see …. Insurance is for the OTHER guys! I am GOOD driver!”

All kidding aside, if you are in an accident and don’t know what to do – the right ways to handle the situation can be found here. Still have questions? Call Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. at 833-692-5038!

Five Easy Tips to Ensure You Keep Your Resolutions


It’s that time of year to evaluate your annual goals and set your 2019 resolutions. Keeping on track and in line with your resolutions can be difficult, but Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. has the tips for you to succeed.

  1. BE REALISTIC – Don’t create an unattainable goal for yourself. Not only will you set yourself up for failure, but you will also continue to be discouraged by the tremendous task you have ahead.
  2. ESTABLISH A ROUTINE – If you create a basic day-to-day routine towards completing your goals for 2019, it will become second nature to your daily plans.
  3. SHARE YOUR RESOLUTIONS – Don’t keep your objectives a secret. Surrounding yourself with a support system will help keep spirits up–and keep you on track.
  4. LOG YOUR PROGRESS – Keep up with your successes during the process. Track your shortcomings as well. You will appreciate how far you have come when you are able to reflect on the journey towards your goals.
  5. KEEP GOING – There will be times where you may be discouraged or unmotivated, but keep going! Recommit yourself to your resolutions when you lose track of your routine. Take it one day at a time if necessary; don’t be overwhelmed by the 365 day timeline.

Keeping your resolutions going all year long can be difficult, but with a little bit of motivation and encouragement you can accomplish a lot.

What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook!

Looking for help with your legal needs in the New Year? Contact Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C.! Call us NOW to see how we can help YOU! 833-692-5038

Protect yourself from identity theft!

Protect your identity against serious cyber attacks. Identity theft affects millions every year. Don’t let yourself be another statistic.

Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. has suggested measures to keep your identity safe from cyber threats.


1.    Exclude important personal information, such as address or email address, from all of your social media profiles – Hackers could easily access your information and use it against you.

2.    Check your settings – Make sure your privacy settings are set to ensure a secure profile. View your profile setting every so often due to software updates.

3.    Strengthen your passwords – If your password is easy to remember, more than likely it is easy to crack.

4.    Watch out for suspicious emails – Spam email has evolved and is getting more sophisticated. Never respond to emails asking for personal information such as your bank account number, or to emails purporting to be from the federal government which you are not expecting, for instance from the IRS.

5.    Review your bank statements – Keep a close eye on your statements for unfamiliar transactions. Report suspicious transactions to your bank.

Be smart about sharing your information. Take proper steps to protect your identity against cyber stalkers.

If you think your identity has been stolen or compromised, let us help you!

Call Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C at 833-692-5038 TODAY!

Remember that Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. is available to answer any of your legal questions. Even if we can’t help you, we can send you to someone who can. Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys specializes in auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, social security, truck accidents, work injuries, various injuries/accidents, nursing home abuse and more.

Visit or call 833-692-5038 for more information.

How to Handle Trucking Accidents

Also known as semis or semi-trailer trucks, 18-wheelers can present a significant danger on the road. While 18-wheelers do not statistically cause any more accidents than conventional vehicles, the accidents they do cause are usually much more severe and often lead to serious personal injuries and property damage. If you have been involved in an accident with a semi, contact 18-wheeler accident attorneys at Schuerger Shunnarah’s office for professional representation.

Our 18-wheeler accident attorneys know the inner workings of semi-truck driving and about all aspects of accidents involving semis. With a comprehensive understanding of the various reasons that accidents occur with 18-wheelers, we will ensure that appropriate compensation is paid to victims based on both personal injuries and vehicle damage. No matter which side of the accident you are on, you will benefit from working with experienced attorneys.

Statistics show that individuals involved in accidents with semi-trailer trucks are in great danger of injury or even death. The primary cause of all crashes with 18-wheeler trucks is improper lane change or use. The majority of truck-involved fatalities occur on state routes. Our 18-wheeler accident attorneys will employ their knowledge and skills to ensure justice is served.

Whether the semi driver or other party is at fault, it is important to seek professional legal representation so that a thorough investigation of the accident can be conducted. Our 18-wheeler attorneys will make certain the victim, whether the semi driver or the individuals in the passenger vehicle, receives the financial compensation they deserve.

We have extensive experience representing injured passenger vehicle parties, semi drivers, and trucking companies. With the help of our attorneys, you can be sure the right avenues will be taken to ensure you are fairly compensated for your losses.  Call Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. today at 833-692-5038

Spring Break-ing it!?! Tips for staying safe while having fun

Whether you have a trip to the beach planned or you are road tripping to the mountains to ski, it is important to stay safe on your vacation. Make sure this spring break is memorable by having fun but also staying safe.

Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. has a few useful spring break safety tips to help protect you during your spring break adventures.

Spring Break Safety Tips:

  • Take turns behind the wheel: If you are traveling a far distance, it is a good idea to rotate drivers. This will keep everyone rested and limit drowsiness behind the wheel.
  • Never leave valuables in plain view in your car: Be sure to lock items in your truck before you reach your destination or if you stop for a pit stop.
  • Inspect your hotel room: If you are staying in a hotel, make sure your room has secure locks on the windows and doors to help prevent break-ins.
  • Store valuable items in a safe place: If your hotel offers a safe, use it! It is a great location to store valuable items you do not want stolen when you leave your room.
  • When drinking, decide your limit: Deciding on your boundaries before going out helps resist temptations later and helps make the next day that much better.
  • Keep an eye on your drink: Going to the bathroom? Take your drink with you! It is better to be safe than sorry.
  • Stay safe in the sun: Keep hydrated by drinking lots of water. If you feel faint, get in the shade. Make sure to reapply sunscreen often to prevent burns as well.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: Stay alert in all situations, especially in unfamiliar areas. This can help prevent an accident or attack

If you or a loved one was injured because of a spring break accident, contact the attorneys at Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. for help today.

Call Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C  at 1-800-229-7989 TODAY! 

Remember that Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, available to answer any of your legal questions.

Even if we can’t help you, we can send you to someone who can.

Schuerger Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys specializes in auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, social security, truck accidents, work injuries, various injuries/accidents, nursing home abuse and more.

Visit or call 833-692-5038 for more information.

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